I admit it. I'm mad at the 2008 Olympic Games. I'm angry that there are 10 year olds competing on the
Chinese gymnastics team. I'm upset that I haven't slept for more than 5 and a half hours in a single night over the past week...
Thanks NBC! I'm annoyed that I have more important things to do than watch the Olympics, like packing for the next year of my life.
So what am I going to do about it? I'm gonna get pumped about growing a mustache! To accomplish this (and in the spirit of the Olympic Games), I'd like to salute some of my favorite mustaches that the summer games have given us:

Zdeslav Vrdoljak - Croatia
On a team loaded with talent (they are ranked #1 in this year's Olympics), Vrdoljak is their captain. The Croatian water polo team's decision to
sport mustaches throughout the games to boost team unity is, in my opinion, the greatest idea in Olympic history. Better than Kerri Strug's decision to vault on a hurt leg to win a team gold; better than forming a bobsled team from Jamaica.
Some day, I will travel to Croatia where I am sure to annoy even the most hospitable Croats with my incessant mustache praise. I will be looking for a team photo at the end of the Olympics, when the growth will be at its best.

Bela Karolyi - Romania/USA
Legendary gymnastics coach for both Romania and the USA, in his later years, who also happens to have a very thick mustache. Among the notable gymnasts he has trained at some point are Nadia Comaneci (Romania), Mary Lou Retton (USA), Kerri Strug (USA) and Dominique Moceanu (USA).
Karolyi is
a character though. I can't imagine thinking about US Gymnastics without thinking of him.

Daley Thompson - Great Britain
Decathletes really impress me. Decathletes with mustaches REALLY impress me. Daley Thompson was a world record holder in the Decathlon for most of 1980-1992, before Dan O'Brien finally broke Thompson's world record score of 8,847 points that had stood for eight years. He is very highly regarded and is one of the best decathletes of all time.
On top of his domination in the 80's, Daley had a rivalry with
a monster West German, Jürgen Hingsen (who ALSO happened to have an incredible mustache). Great storyline;
better 'staches.

Steve Prefontaine - USA
He didn't medal in
the 1972 5k and his career and life were cut short after a tragic accident. He did, however, have a great passion for running and a beautiful mustache.

Mark Spitz - USA
Kudos to Michael Phelps for breaking his record this year. But the best part of the whole Phelps saga isn't that he beat the record, it's the thrusting of Mark Spitz back into the popular eye.
I'll end with a quote to inspire my future mustache growing, from the #1, Mark Spitz, himself:
"When I went to the Olympics, I had every intention of shaving the mustache off, but I realized I was getting so many comments about it - and everybody was talking about it - that I decided to keep it. "
Mark Spitz